Monday, February 11, 2008

motivation for $100, Alex

Today is a very gray day. It is suppose to snow I guess 3 to 5 inches of snow tonight. It's really cold and slightly windy. It's a good day to stay inside. The kids are all off in different parts of the house playing (i hope) and it's nice to have a few minutes of quiet. It's funny, the past few days I've desired quiet and calm more than normal.
Anyway, I'm trying to get motivated and just can't seem to get myself there. There are some things with the PTA that I really need to get done- I just don't have the discipline to do it yet. There are stacks of things at the house that need to get put away in files and shredded- don't feel like using up energy to do that either. I won't even embarrass myself mentioning the laundry (it's bad when there is more in the baskets to get folded than in your respective closets, I'll leave it at that). I want to go and work out so that I am in shape during the pregnancy- don't feel like doing that either. It's just one of those times.
So, I'll just sit and try to figure out how to motivate myself to get the kids fed, washed, brushed and off to bed, because right now, the the thought of that makes me want to go take a nap.

1 comment:

steelfamilynh said...

I feel for you Missi. I can't even imagine being pregnant with 3 kids. And really, forget the workout. Getting 3 kids into bed is a workout in itself. Put you feet up!