Thursday, February 28, 2008

Did someone say Boc?

Well, today has been eventful to say the least! Today was Hannah's first swim lesson for this session and when I was changing her after the lesson was over, I noticed these curious little dots on her belly and armpit. HHMMMMM?!! Sure enough, Hannah has the Chicken Pox (btw- there seems to be a running theme of drama revolving around this child for some reason). So after taking all the kiddos to the doctor and after calling my midwife to find out what I need to do, I was told that my midwife was no longer with the practice! So, just as I was a few months ago, I have to now find a new provider as I'm not crazy about the doctor.

We'll post pics of our connect the dot wonder later this weekend. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm making it up to be in my head right now.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh no! Have you ever had them? I did when I was little. My mom warned me over and over: "Don't scratch it! It will leave a scar." I have a scar to this day.