Friday, February 1, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I'm going to share a conversation that occurred in my van last week between Zach (6) and his friend Curtis (7). It needs to be stated that Curtis is African American to understand why the exchange caused me to almost wreck the van off the road.

Curtis: "i wish there was still slavery"
Zach: "fool, then you'd be a slave!"
Curtis: "no way- ohio was a free state"
Zach: "well, we would just paint your face white".


Emily R. said...

Too funny!!!!!

steelfamilynh said...

I often laugh but not out loud. This one made me laugh out loud! That is SO funny! Kristin

missi said...

The bad part is that Brian and I didn't know whether we should share this story with his mom and dad or not. We're still not sure what to do with that- Brian was amazed I didn't wreck the van. I was too.