Sunday, October 26, 2008

Packin' up

Well, since Ike blew in life has been really tough, emotionally. With a newborn, my aunt's crazy accident and death and not having power- it was really overwhelming. Just as I thought I was seeing light, my Grandmother started to not do so well, so my dad and his brother made the decision to move her to an assisted living place in Finneytown. It's been really stressful. My folks are hoping that they are making the right decision, worrying about how long they can afford her to live there, driving over to her house and calling her everyday to give her medication to keep her stable. It's really crazy to see all that they are going through.
This past week I've been over at her condo a few days this past week starting to pack her up and get her ready to move on Sunday. We got rid of 5 huge garage bags of stuff to donate from ONE closet. This week I need to get her clothes all boxed up and ready to go. It's been a mixed can of nuts. On one hand I've thoroughly enjoyed hearing the stories of where she was when she wore some of her evening gowns that are now in my closet; it's been great to see old photos of my grandparents and to see them in a different light. It's been fun to hear stories that I've never heard before. At the same time, it has been difficult to watch her make decisions about what to keep- she kept saying that she didn't want to get rid of it because she didn't want to forget the memories. It was hard to throw things away that she felt were treasures. It was overwhelming to start to pack up and give away a life's worth of memories.
It's also motivated me to start going through our house and declutter it and start getting stuff out of the house so that our home isn't quite as overwhelming.


Lori said...

Could you take some photos of the things she can't keep and put them in an album for her? That's got to be rough. There are so many "things" that have deep meaning and memories.

missi said...

we're going to put them all in a rubbermaid container and my mom and i are going to go through them with her at the new place after the start of the year. For Christmas, I'm working on a memory box with her baby picture, baby shoes and bonnets.
I'm talking to one of the local libraries about allowing them to display her evening handbags and her mother's (my great grandma's)along with the book "My Grandma's Purse".... I'll be glad when she's moved in and things are a bit less crazy.

skuhnell said...

I love the idea of the photos and the library display. I think one of the best ways we have been able to help my grandma to preserve her memories is by keeping a journal at her nursing home. We ask questions when we come visit and record the answers. Sometimes she remembers things better when I can read to her what she has told us in the past. You and your family will help her hold on to and cherish her memories. I love you dear one and am praying for you all as you walk through this challenging and beautiful season of life.