Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's been busy at the Kershner household. I think I'm getting used to that fact that from here on out, it's just going to be that- busy. I've been trying to figure out how to balance the 'busyness' of the family with my own needs and when is it okay to put myself first and when is it moving into selfishness. I'm learning that it is a hard balance to strike. I'm not very good at it- I came from a small family, as I'm an only child. I'm trying to figure out what's normal and not normal for siblings. Hopefully, as we continue on this journey, I'll feel more comfortable in my role and the boundaries that I have to keep to stay sane.

Last week was birthday week in our family. Wednesday, Hannah had a birthday; Friday, Brian had a birthday and then on Sunday, my mom had a birthday. We celebrated with Hannah with an ice cream cake and then on Sunday the girls helped me make this so cute cake for all of them. Minus cutting out all the pieces on Sunday morning before church, it was pretty painless. I found these really cool decorating icing things. They look like accordian bottles and you just screw the cap with the icing tip on them and off you go! I find that they don't break the line as easily as icing bags do. They are my new find and friend! Hannah and E were extra 'helpful' on Sunday morning and rolling and cutting out their own cookies. Really, we just made a big mess, but it was a lot of fun.

Hannah also started takin violin lessons last week. She seemed super nervous, but I think it was just the new place and new person and trying to figure out what to expect. She can be more introverted than I realize at times. She may process verbally through things (and my goodness does she do a LOT of it) but she is more of an introvert in every sense of the word. She was more comfortable this week and seemed more confident. Her little (and it is little) violin is SO CUTE!

Zach has started playing flag football and he is a beast on defense! His team is mostly city kids and it was awesome to see them whoop up on the Mason teams last week (not that it is about winning... I know, I know!). They are playing up in Mason again this week. Brian's dad will be in town and so Z is pretty excited. Brian is coaching- I know, no reason to state the obvious (we're WAY too busy to have Brian coaching)- and it is going pretty well. He seems to be enjoying it and we're trying to figure out how to take this experience and turn it into ministry opportunities for the kiddos in College Hill. Brian's dad was a commissioner for a league in Cleveland and Brian has been talking with him about what to do to make it sucessful. We'll see where that leads.

Tuesday was eventful in it's own right as Hannah had a tooth pulled! When she was 2, she fell off a bar stool and knocked one of her teeth loose and there was some damage to the tooth and to the root. I've been praying that it would stay in until she was 5 and less than a week after she turned 5 it finally came out! She was stupendous at the dentist's office and was super excited to get to have a visit from the tooth fairy. She's pretty cute with a missing tooth as well. She has a little lisp which makes it even better.

Abigail is great! She loves the little birds on her swing and when she gets fussy (which honestly, is like once every few days) we pop her in the swing and she gets all happy because she can see the birds. It's pretty cute!

Elizabeth is wonderful as well. She's growing up so much. Next week is potty training week. I'm not sure how ready I am to do it, but I'm definitely ready for the result! We'll see how it goes.

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