Saturday, December 15, 2007

stop to smell the roses

There has been so much going on and so much that I've been trying to process about such a variety of things that I have been getting overwhelmed and then ignore all of it. I guess I keep hoping that it will just disappear. I do know that doesn't happen, but...

Life seems to happen so fast and trying to learn from life and the experiences and trying to keep the family together while Brian is gone with school is just hard. Something has to go and it has been that ability to just stop and think and contemplate.

While I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions, I do think that I might try to do it this year. I keep feeling as though life is just happening to me and that I don't really have any power to make choices or navigations to what will happen. I don't think that is how God wants for any of us to live life. We're not learning, we're not able to become a more perfect image of God and God's love. If I don't stop to sit and contemplate on my experiences and on that which is going on around me, then I am wasting the gift of life that God has given to me. I think I need to stop and smell the roses a bit more.

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