Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's about time

We figured with so many out of town and busy raising families, a quick glimpse into what is going on at the Kershner household wasn't a bad idea. I'll try to keep pics of the kids updated (i guess it would help if i changed the battery in the camera) as much as possible since they are the ones people really want to see anyway.

Brian is currently on break until Jan. from the MBA program. 1 more year. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's been nice to actually feel like a family again and it gives us a glimpse at normalcy- whatever that is.

The kids are awesome! Zach is in the first grade and Hannah is in preschool. Elizabeth just goes along for the ride. Zach is really enjoying soccer and swimming. Hannah has taken to gymnastics and she is a little fish as well. Elizabeth just thinks she can do these things, so it can be interesting at times.

We're gearing up for Christmas and trying to keep the chaos down to a minimum. We're off to get a tree this morning and if the weather holds, we'll go to The Festival of Lights tonight. The kids are really excited about Christmas and all that comes with it. It's getting more and more fun the older they get.

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