Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Week in Review

Wow. What a full week we've just been through!
-We managed to get a more than fair settlement from the insurance company for the Accord. The cops called Brian on Friday to let him know that they had not only found the owner of the vehicle (and she has insurance!!!) but they also found the driver and cited her. Hopefully, this will mean we'll be more likely to get our deductible back. That would be great!

-We started the wonderful world of car shopping. I'll be glad when that is over.

- Hannah spent her mornings this past week at Nature Camp. Her favorite things were making lady bug cookies during Red Day and getting to pet and play with the box turtle.

- Zach spent the week at Zoo Camp! His favorite part was getting to see the Red Tail Hawk. He didn't like the lorikeets so much, as one of them mistook his finger for a branch and nibbled on it- drawing blood. He got a certificate naming him the "Most Adventurous Camper".

- I chased after everyone and spent a good portion of the week spending time with Sabina, Dori, Andrea and Borah. (Sabina is my friend from Albania) We had some really good talks this week and they were very encouraging.

-Thank you to Sarah and Janet for throwing me a wonderful and relaxing baby shower yesterday. I had a great time and it meant a lot to me.

- I FINALLY GOT ALL THE WALLPAPER OFF THE WALLS IN THE BEDROOM!!!! Now, it looks like a rehab project I use to work on in highschool. Nothing like living in a bit of chaos.

I'll post pics of the room in a few days and I'll post after pics once we've got it done. Zach is very excited about fatheads. We're going to put a huge Brown's helmet on his room's wall. He is going for the Lebron, but I don't think a lifesize Lebron James Fathead is going to fit in the room. We'll see. Well, we're off to go on a hike and spend the rest of the day and dinner with my family at my Grandma's house. Should be fun!
Happy Father's Day to all you dads.


Corrie said...

Miss- Do you have a name picked out?

missi said...

No names picked out yet. We're going to wait until July to start that. There seems to be so much going on right now. We are trying to find Bri a car (yuck) and trying to get everyone in their new rooms in the next week or two to help bring my chaos level down. We've been terrible housekeepers as we keep justifying it with 'we're going to be moving everyone in a few days, so why bother...'. I think it's going to bite us in the booty.