Sunday, March 23, 2008

Just when I thought we were done with snow....

Happy Easter. We've had an adventurous time in Cleveland, visiting family, being family, driving through snow storms, getting kids in and out of snow gear... What? Yes, on the way up on Friday night, we drove through a snow storm that dumped like 6-8 inches of snow at Brian's mom's house. I was wearing my birkenstocks. There should be some sort of cosmic law against going from 64' weather to 32' weather in a 12 hour period. We built a snowman and had a snowball fight yesterday at Brian's dad's house. Again, lots of fun, but the time and effort to get 3 kids and myself bundled up for the snow seemed anticlimatic. I had just put it all away for heaven's sake.
Oh well. Last year, it snowed 10 inches the day before Easter while we were here, so it must be us- or global warming....

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