Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Day After...

As most of you know, Zach's birthday is Monday and so he asked if he could have 2 friends from school spend the night instead of having a party. For obvious reasons I thought that this was a good compromise(besides the fact I can't keep a birthday party simple: for those of you who don't know- last year I turned our basement into a castle and dining hall complete with costumes for all the guests and proper weaponry...the year before that we did pirates...

So, we had the boys over (big difference of 3 boys- good lord are they loud) and we went swimming, had pizza, shot paintballs (the highlight of the evening)and then they watched Return of the Jedi- complete with more junk food than our entire family has consumed in like 5 months. Bri and I got them down around 10:30 and were in the kitchen when Zach came up with a sheepish smile and says "Um mom, Curtis was sleeping and got up and got the shaving cream and put it all over his face and sleeping bag". To his credit (or due to exhaustion) Brian burst out laughing and went downstairs. Poor Curtis, who had fallen asleep earlier had shaving cream on his face and sleeping bag. He didn't stir as Brian cleaned him off and Brian laid the smack down and that was all we heard from them until morning.

It's so hard to think that Zach will be seven. It seems like just the other day I was bringing him home from the hospital wondering who thought me having a child was a good idea! While I still wonder that at times, I'm glad he's ours. I'll keep him around!

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