Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Catching Up Edition No.1

Okay, so a month has gone by and I'm just getting ready to do the first installment of updating. It's late, so I'll get to it and add more this week.

Let's see... Oh yeah, BRIAN FINALLY IS FINISHED WITH SCHOOL !!!! Thank goodness. It has been a long 2 and a half years and words cannot express how nice it is to not have that stress in our lives. Now to pay off that student loan...

We have moved from one crazy to another with the upcoming Flying Pig Marathon. No, we're not insane enough to run the full one, but we did sign up to do the relay portion with some good friends of ours. So right now, finding time to train has been close to impossible. What were we thinking?!!! I'm running comfortably up to 4 miles, so I've got 2.5 to add on in the next two weeks. I'm hoping beyond hopes that God will bless me with the ability to finish this thing without 1)hurting myself 2)embarrassing myself.

Funny thing about the training (short version) I did get bit in the rear end by a dog. It hurt. I think I nursed the excuse my butt hurt for a bit longer than necessary, but hey, it's not everyday when you get bit on the rump by a big dog.

To add to the chaos, we are in the midst of redoing the first floor of the house. We figure we are outgrowing our home and we're hoping that we'll be able to upgrade a bit in the next few years, so we are doing some paint and minor repairs to upgrade the house so we can enjoy it a bit before we move. So, we painted the living room and what was the kid's play room. Right now all those toys are in the basement (along with all the stuff in the basement in general) and we're transitioning rooms. Being one that needs order in her life, this has been very hard on me and it is starting to wear on me a bit, but we're almost done. It'll be nice when it's finished.

The kids are great! Abigail is sitting up and crawling and starting to hold onto things and wanting to stand. She is the cutest little thing. Just thinking about her makes me smile. She is a very even tempered and smiley baby. Not much seems to bother her and I love being around her. She definitely tangibly reminds me that life is okay. Elizabeth is turning 3 tomorrow. I cannot believe it. She is HILARIOUS!!! Everyday there is something new. Today she was telling everyone that today is the last day that she will be 2. She loves music and is very excited about going to school with Zach and Hannah in the fall. Hannah is Hannah. She is so smart and is such a sprite. She loves gymnastics and even enjoys playing her violin. She has been enjoying school and is looking forward to being in the first grade next year. Zach is doing well. He's playing baseball and just became a Wolf cub with Cub Scouts.

It's getting super late so I'm going to post a few pics and call it a night, but I've got more to say and will do it later this week.

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