Saturday, November 8, 2008

Fall Fun

We've been busy little beavers the past few weeks. We moved my Grandma into an assisted living residence last week. The top pic is from move in day. She and Abigail were playing and Grandma was getting Abigail to laugh. It was so precious. Grandma turned 84 yesterday and is doing GREAT!!!! I'm so glad that we moved her. She is a different person- she looks great and seems much more rested and alert than I've seen her in a long while. This week I'm taking her out to buy her a hat for the Red Hat Club (whatever that is). That should be interesting!

Elizabeth and I along with Abigail took advantage of the beautiful weather last week and went to the zoo. We took a lot of pictures of the animals and trees and flowers. While at the elephants, we watched one elephant eat another elephant's poop. Gross. Elizabeth wanted to take a picture. Luckily, you can't really tell what the elephant is doing. Typical 2 year old. Maybe it's a sign she's ready for the Everybody Poops book.

Today was a bit cooler and Brian had the kids outside raking leaves so I could work on a baby quilt for a friend of mine. I got a lot done which was good, but I still have a fair amount to do. I'm hopeful it will get done!

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