Monday, May 12, 2008

Just another day in the life of a Kershner

Sorry, I haven't posted pics of Zach's modern artwork of the lawn, nor have I posted anything new. I've been pondering the meaning of life... no, I just haven't had much to say. It has actually been quite nice not to have any crazy nor funny things to post. Sometimes quiet is just good.

Today, however, was one of those days that seemed to make me wish I could have spread it throughout the week last week. It started when I was summoned to make to PTO budget for next year as the governing money people were handing out money tonight and needed it like, yesterday. I am a letter person- not a number person. So, being me, I of course did it and tried to not forget something important.

Then the phones just stopped working. No dial tone, no nothing. After walking up and down the stairs like a million times and taking phone cords in and out of filters and jacks and phones and calling my husband- who is by the way suppose to know HOW TO FIX ANYTHING, had to leave to get Hannah. I am a task oriented type person and this just wasn't cool. So, after getting Hannah and realizing that because I had to use the morning to do the budget for PTO (which I am not even doing next year) and to try to fix the phone we had no food in the house because I couldn't go to the store; I took both girls to the store. I've not taken 2 kids to the store for a REALLY LONG TIME. I remember why now.

I'm not going to go into the details, but having 2 kids and being pregnant, not having to bag my own groceries would have been nice. By the time I took away the candy bars and the junk they tried to get into the bag home, I was ready for a drink.

Getting home, I had to unload the van, get lunch and still fix the blasted phone. By the time that was done, I got to pack the girls back into the van and drive back to the school to go get Zach. I hate the van some days.

Kids are good, Brian and I are here, life isn' t that bad. Hopefully nothing too exciting to report later!

1 comment:

Lori said...

So how did you fix the phone? Hey - I'm impressed. You go, mama!