Sunday, December 7, 2008

17 things....

Okay, so it took me a few days (sorry sarah) to come up with 17 things that people probably don't know about me....

1. When I was a kid, I really thought I was going to be a lawyer when I grew up.

2. Before Brian and I got married (and even after we were) I didn't want to have children. (yes... i see the irony:))

3. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CHOCOLATE. I will eat it at any hour of the day.

4. I was a cheerleader in high school.

5. I was Annie in the school play my junior year in High school.

6. I do not like feet touching me. ever.

7. I really like Dr. Pepper.

8. I'm becoming more of an introvert the older I get.

9. I do not like my minivan. The only reason I drive it is for practicality.

10. I love to travel (and am sad that I don't get to do more of it).

11. I like 80s music.

12. I am sad that they closed the closest Don Pablo's. It might be one of my favorite places to eat.

13. I hate heights and bridges. I think it is more a fear of falling.

14. I don't enjoy addressing christmas card envelopes.

15. I dressed up as Cyndi Lauper for Halloween in the fourth grade.

16. My favorite book is To Kill A Mockingbird.

17. I do not like horror/scary movies.

That's it for me... I suppose I should tag a few people...
so. Sarah Wilcox,
Lori Cramer
Jennie Key (you can do it on facebook)
Meggers (you can do it on facebook too)
Jilly bean (it was good to hear your voice and laugh)
give it a go!


Jillian said...

5. I was Annie in the school play my junior year in High school.

I remember this! I don't think I actually saw the play though. I just remember being really jealous because you were getting a lot of attention. I think I was probably like five at the time, but I still remember that.

6. I do not like feet touching me. ever.

Nikki is exactly like this. She gets absolutely appalled at even the idea of touching feet or having them touch her. Sometimes I rub them on her on purpose, just to be mean. hahaha.

missi said...

you are an evil, evil sister to do that to her!